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Vegetarian Meal Plan: A Veg-Friendly Weekly Plan

Have you been sticking to Meatless Monday like it’s your job and wondering what it would be like to stick to vegetarian meals the rest of the week? You’re in luck! This week’s Meal Planning Challenge is all about going veg!
We’ve got a vegetarian meal plan below with dinners (as well as some snack and dessert suggestions) you’ll love.
vegetarian meal plan

Vegetarian Meal Plan

Monday: Tofu a l’Orange is a tasty vegetarian twist on the popular Asian duck dish that’s low in fat and calories but big on flavor.
Tuesday: Start off with a Vegan Cream of Celery Soup, then up the veggie goodness with a little Gazpasta.
Wednesday: Ready for a bit of a seasonal splurge? You’ll love this Pumpkin Ricotta Gnocchi With Crème Fraîche!
Thursday: Lighten up a little with some Sauteed Kale With Dried Plums and Coconut. Yum!
Friday: Time to fire up the grill for some Togarashi Grilled Cauliflower With Grilled Spring Onions and Plums!
Between or after meals, you can snack on some kale chips (they’re so easy to make!), vegan cookies or a five-minute muffin in a mug!
Do you have a fave veg dish you want to share? Shout it out on social media, and be sure to tag #fitbottomedeats! —Kristen

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