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3 Ginger Options to Ease Morning Sickness

When you are suffering from morning sickness, you’re likely to do almost anything to ease it. And since there are a few of us here in the Fit Bottomed World who are pregnant or have recently been pregnant, when I saw this post over on Fit Bottomed Eats about ginger food products, I knew I had to share it over here. Because ginger is said to help ease nausea and morning sickness, I figured nauseated mamas-to-be just might benefit. If you’ve tried every nausea remedy under the sun and are tired of ginger ale, check out these three ginger products that just may help!

1. Gin Gins Original Chewy Ginger Candy and Double Strength Hard Ginger Candy

gin-ginsKristen (decidedly not pregnant) first encountered Gin Gins in a drugstore on a trip to Hawaii when her stomach was having some issues. So when she saw this chewy candy, she gambled that it just might help her stomach even if the image on the bag is super creepy. She says they were delicious and did the trick with her stomach. In fact, she liked them so much she picked up the hard candy version at her local store!

Read more about Gin Gins and two more products that may ease morning sickness here!

What ginger products did you try to escape morning sickness? —Erin

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