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Five-Minute Gluten-Free French Toast in a Mug

It’s been awhile since I made my five-minute chocolate-chip pumpkin muffin in a mug recipe, but the other day, I had a big ol’ hankering for French toast and thought to myself, I wonder if I could mugify* those flavors, too …
(*Mugify: a verb, meaning to take a normal dish and cook it entirely in a mug in the microwave. And yes, we do like to invent food words around here.)
After a few attempts, turns out you can!
Using almond flour as a gluten-free base and amping up plenty of the French toast flavor with egg, cinnamon and vanilla — and topped with a small drizzle of real maple syrup — this French toast in a mug recipe may not be quite as good as sitting down with a big ol’ stack of French toast, but it’s certainly healthier, quicker and easier to make, and is delicious enough to satisfy a craving. Plus, with two eggs in it, it’s got enough protein in it that it’ll actually keep you full — and not have you crashing 15 minutes later like normal French toast does. Enjoy!

Five-Minute Gluten-Free French Toast in a Mug
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 1
All of the flavor of French toast that you love minus the grains and pan. This French Toast in a Mug recipe takes just five minutes to make, is gluten-free and has 14 grams of protein in it!
  • ⅓ cup almond flour
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 eggs
  • Drizzle of maple syrup
  1. Combine almond flour, baking powder and cinnamon until well mixed.
  2. Add vanilla and egg. Mix until smooth.
  3. Microwave for two minutes. Unless you like your French toast extra gooey, then go for 1 minute 30 seconds. Want it extra firm and more muffin-like? Go for 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
  4. Drizzle with maple syrup to get the desired sweetness you want! Eat and be merry.
Nutrition Information
Protein: 14

What’s the next muffin in a mug flavor that we should try to make, y’all? Lemon? Chocolate? We already did poppyseedJenn

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