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Awesome Apps and Tech for a Better Morning

better morning

There is an app for everything these days. And while we’re often trying to unplug from our phones and computers and just be, there’s no doubt that some apps can improve your day. And your health. And your life. Here are five such apps. From helping you to wake up more peacefully to organizing your day to making your morning coffee (seriously!), you’re just a download and a few clicks away from a better morning.

1. Yoga Wake Up


Yoga Wake Up is an AUDIO-only app designed by Joaquin Brown that offers on-demand yoga, stretching or meditation sequences that can also be used in place of an alarm clock. Each wake-up begins by asking you to focus on your breathing and in some cases, basic yoga poses, to get you out of bed and on with your day. Oftentimes, the wake-ups also encourage you to set an intention or participate in a guided meditation.

The mission at Yoga Wake Up is to bring yoga to everyone in the privacy of their own home or office. Yoga Wake Up makes “yoga every damn day” easy and accessible for both regularly practicing yogis and those that have yet to try yoga. The app was created with the belief that the world would be a better place if more people woke up in a healthy and spiritual mindset. The designer believes that through kindness and understanding we can improve our day, not only for us, but also for the people we interact with. And we couldn’t agree more!

2. Wunderlist


Wunderlist is a simple to­-do list and task manager app that helps you get stuff done. Whether you’re sharing a grocery list with a loved one, working on a project or planning a vacation, Wunderlist makes it easy to capture, share and complete your to­-dos. Wunderlist instantly syncs between your phone, tablet and computer, so you can access all your tasks from anywhere. If you’re a lover of the to-do list and like to start your day with a clear plan and ready to go, this is your app for a better and more organized morning.

3. Sleep Cycle 5.0


The Sleep Cycle alarm clock tracks your sleep patterns and wakes you up during your light sleep. Waking up during light sleep feels like waking up naturally rested without an alarm clock, so it’s a pretty awesome way to have a better morning. It uses a wake-up phase (30 minutes by default) that ends at your desired alarm time. During this phase, Sleep Cycle will monitor signals from your body to wake you softly, when you are in the lightest possible sleep state.

Diligently tested by Northcube developers for more than two years, Sleep Cycle alarm clock 5.0 uses your phone’s microphone and an algorithm to analyze sound and identify movement from its user in bed. The upgraded version’s patented sound analysis technology sets it apart from competitors that rely on the phone’s accelerometer to track movement in bed and eliminates the need for sleep tracking devices placed in bed. The sleep future is here, yo.

4. Barisieur


The Barisieur is an alarm clock and coffee brewer. (Yes, you read that right.) It was designed by Joshua Renouf to encourage users to perform the pre-bed ritual of preparing beans, sugar and milk, which has been said to help improve sleeping patterns. Then, in the morning, it eases the user into the day with the subtle movement of stainless steel ball bearings that boil the water through induction heating, accompanied by the smell of freshly brewed coffee. It encourages a ritual before going to sleep, signaling to the body and mind that it is time to unwind and relax. Talk about living slow even when times are fast.

5. Wakē by Lucera Labs

Photo credit: Lucera Labs

Photo credit: Lucera Labs

Wakē is a smartphone-enabled robot that lives on your bedroom wall instead of your nightstand. When it’s time to wake you up, Wakē finds where you are in bed and directs gentle beams of light and sound to your location. These sensations gradually rouse you from sleep, helping you wake up naturally and feel alert faster. Best of all, this cool, targeted technology lets your partner continue sleeping. WAKĒ comes with its own smartphone App, where you’ll tell Wakē which side of the bed you typically sleep on and when you want to wake up. When it comes time to get up, Wakē silently rotates from side to side, while its infared sensor measures the body heat below. Seriously cool.

What apps sounds like it would give you a better morning? Some yoga or meditation and coffee? Sign. Me. Up. —Jenn

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