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5 Reasons Why I’m a Protiva Mom

This post is sponsored by Protiva. For our sponsored post policy, click here.

The last time I was pregnant, nutrition was super important for me. After all, what you eat helps support every amazing thing your body is doing — not to mention that your nutritional needs change once you’re growing a human in your belly. So, seeing that this time I’m carrying twins — oh, man — I am super aware that my nutrition needs to be top-notch right now.

And! Nutrition is not only important during pregnancy. Recovering from childbirth and the physical demands of breastfeeding are no joke — and you need good nutrition to support that as well. So, knowing that I’ll be doing my best to deliver and then nurse two newborns here in a few months? Well, you better believe I’m already planning on making my postpartum nutrition a priority, too.

Now, I’ve already written about my experience with Protiva — a patented formula of collagen protein powder with vitamins and minerals formulated specifically for pregnant and new moms — here and here. But, because this information is so important for all new moms and moms-to-be, I wanted to go deeper into why Protiva is truly a gamechanger — and why it’s an essential part of my healthy routine.

1. Protein is very important during pregnancy.

Here’s the crazy thing: a whopping 98 percent of pregnant women have below normal levels of protein. This can affect energy, milk supply, recovery after delivery, and even skin tone. But, research has shown that 100 percent of women who took Protiva showed improvement in protein levels throughout the remainder of their pregnancies — which is amazing. Not to mention that new moms who take Protiva New Mom after they’ve delivered reduced their recovery time and improved the tone of their skin. I can definitely tell that my energy improves when I take Protiva Pregnancy — and reduced recovery time? Sign. Me. Up.

2. Protiva is safe.

There are so many different protein products out there that it can make a mama’s head spin. But, Protiva is the only clinically-tested collagen protein powder that has been proven to be both safe and effective for pregnant women and new moms — including breastfeeding women. Let’s just say that again: the only clinically-tested collagen protein powder that has been proven to be both safe and effective for pregnant women and new moms.

3. Provita tastes great.

Offered in a yummy vanilla flavor, Protiva New Mom and Protiva Pregnancy both taste great, even when mixed with only water or some nut milk,  which is essential! I mean, who wants to choke down chalky, bad tasting powders? Not me! On the go, I mix Protiva Pregnancy with some almond milk, but when I have a little more time (and access to a blender), I love mixing it up with spinach, banana, almond butter, and almond milk — it basically tastes like a smoothie or a milkshake!

4. It complements my prenatal vitamin.

This is another must for me. Protiva New Mom and Protiva Pregnancy are each developed with a patented formula that’s combined with 15 grams of collagen protein, which acts as the perfect complement to any prenatal vitamin. I often try to take them together each afternoon because they’re both so important to get daily.

5. It’s a convenient way to take care of my babies — and myself — during and after pregnancy.

Self-care and self-love are important at any stage of your life, but when you’re growing a baby (or babies!) and then feeding them, it’s even more important. In addition to naps, rest, and lots of self-compassion, a daily dose of Protiva is an essential part of my self-care routine — which, of course, makes me a better mom.

Protiva is pretty new to the market, and I am so pumped to have a safe, effective, tasty, and convenient collagen-rich protein powder to help me during this pregnancy and my recovery. You can learn more about Protiva and order yours here if you’re pregnant or here if you’re a new mom! Like I said, it’s a game changer! –Jenn

FTC disclosure: We often receive products from companies to review. All thoughts and opinions are always entirely our own. Unless otherwise stated, we have received no compensation for our review and the content is purely editorial. Affiliate links may be included. If you purchase something through one of those links we may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support!


  1. Jules says:

    Hi! I live in the uk – do you know if its possible to get Protiva pregnancy powder over here? I’ve looked everywhere online and nowhere seems to ship it to the UK.

  2. Kimberly says:

    Hi, do you know what product the collagen comes from? (I.e. beef, pork, chicken?) I’m allergic to chicken. I tried to find a way to contact Protiva but there is not an option on their website.

    Thank you!

    1. Jenn says:

      Hi Kimberly,

      It looks like the company closed, so we’d recommend Primal Kitchen Collagen — they should be able to tell you! https://www.primalkitchen.com/collections/collagen-protein

      Sorry for the runaround. 🙂

      –FBG Jenn

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