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Biggest Loser 13 Episode 3: Face-Off and a Walk-Off

biggest loser 13

Isn't the look on Dolvett's face priceless here?

*SPOILER ALERT* This Biggest Loser 13 recap reveals details from last night’s episode. So if you don’t want to know the dramatic details and who was voted off of Biggest Loser 2012, click away, my friend, click away!

After last week’s dramatic shenanigans, let me just say first that episode three of The Biggest Loser 13 was a nice departure back to sanity. Well, mostly.

The Bob vs. Dolvett rivalry simmered down some, and the elimination wasn’t a scene out of Jerry Springer, so that was an improvement. There were also lots of feel-good touchy feely moments when it came to live-video-chat time, and I’ve slowly but surely started learning everyone’s names (Santa/Roy and Chism were easy, but now I know Cassandra, Kimmy, Kim, Nancy and Joe!). The Chinese-food temptation challenge was an interesting one, and the bucket challenge was taken up a notch entertainment-wise because the trainers were there.

But the episode wasn’t drama-free by any means. It was “Face-Off Week,” so pretty much everyone went nutso. Smacktalk was at an all-time high, and Conda—who I shall call henceforth “The Ish Stirrer”—definitely lived up to her new nickname. (For the record, on that “challenge” both of their forms had room for improvement, but I really don’t think Cassandra cheated.) The elimination was clearly determined by game play and alliances—’cause it didn’t make any darn sense. Oh, and then there was that whole Joe-walking-off-the-show thing. Yeah, that drama sucked. For a season titled “No Excuses,” there sure are a lot of them.

Want a little more BL 13—and more specifically Dolvett? Yeah, we thought you might:

Can’t see the video? Click here to watch Nancy testing Dolvett’s patience.

What were your thoughts on last night’s The Biggest Loser episode? Agree or disagree with my recap? Let’s discuss in the comments! —Jenn

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  1. Melissa says:

    I find myself somewhat turned off by the Biggest Loser this season. I’ve watched every season and enjoy seeing the emotional stories and cheering people on as they make progress in their weight loss journeys. This is probably the first season where I find myself hoping that some of these contestants will fail. Conda and Kim N. (the ex-wrestler) are just completely toxic, as was Mike. Their bad attitudes and inability to act like decent human beings is just too hard to watch. I found myself feeling sorry for Conda’s little daughter, knowing that she will likely end up like her mother someday, a bitter, mean-spirited, snotty woman. This kind of behavior is expected on the Housewives shows, but it’s just such a disappointment to see Biggest Loser promoting needless drama. I think once those two contestants are gone, this show will have a whole different feel. Like a big black cloud of negativity will be lifted. I’m rooting for Emily and Cassandra.

  2. Stephanie says:

    Thank you Melissa for confirming that I am not the only one who wants to see Conda and Kim go. Toxic is absolutely the word for them. I have always loved watching the show and seeing everyone come together to succeed has always been my favorite part. As many know, support is the biggest key to weight loss success. Kim spouting off at the weigh-in about Chism beating her was totally inappropriate (I hope she watches the episodes and sees what kind of role model she isn’t). Oh, and Conda….perhaps she will find her ticket out of my living room next week! I love the show but would like to see them lose the drama.

  3. Lindsay says:

    What I don’t understand, is why they kept saying no one has ever quit before, didn’t Roland (or w/e his name was, the Olympian guy) quit last season?

  4. sue says:

    I like Kim….I think she put up with a lot of s*** mainly from Conda! I don’t understand why so many people seem to hate her. I think she’s gone out of her way to avoid the drama and only spoke up when it was so obvious the others (thanks to Conda) were conspiring against her! Did I miss something?

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