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Take a Moment for Yourself—At Least This Week

clock me time

Credit: blue2likeyou

I thought time was scarce when I had one kiddo. Now that I have two, “me time” is all the more precious. In fact, almost non-existent at the moment. With a 2-month-old who must be held at all times lest he cry and cry, and a toddler who is also a need-beast (because that is her job, after all!), I’m still learning how to balance everything and get time to brush my teeth.

I know all mothers feel this way. In fact, I was talking to a friend the other day about feeling chronically dehydrated. She, like me, just doesn’t think about sipping water some days…and 5 o’clock will roll around and we realize we’ve really only had a drink or two of water all day long. And sadly, we both concurred that it’s not a terrible thing because, well, who has time for extra bathroom trips anyway?

It’s very easy to put your needs aside when you’ve got kids. After all, you’re the adult and you won’t have an all-out tantrum-throwing meltdown if you don’t get dinner at 5 o’clock on the dot. But like we learned last week,moms do need to take care of themselves to be the best moms they can be. This means taking time out to exercise, have grown-up conversations and sometimes just be in a quiet place.

We’re dedicating this week leading up to Mother’s Day to moms in need of a little downtime—a very special Pampering Week. We’re going to have posts on getting a little “me time,” pampering, and of course, some really fun giveaways every afternoon.

Do you dedicate time to yourself each day? —Erin


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