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Review of Deepak Chopra & Tara Stiles Yoga Transformation: Weight Loss & Balance

I like yoga. I like meditation. I like Tara Stiles. I like Deepak Chopra. And I like balance (balance is—for reals—the Holy Grail of life, I’ve decided). So already, from just a look at the cover of Deepak Chopra & Tara Stiles Yoga Transformation: Weight Loss and Balance, I had a good feeling and big expectations.

First, you should know (or remember) that I’m fond of the hippity-dippity, and some of this workout DVD is certainly hippity dippity. It takes place in the desert. There’s lots of talk about finding your center and following your breath. And there’s a 15-minute music-only meditation segment where, if you peek and open your eyes, you’ll see Deepak just wandering around said desert in his bright red Pumas and big square black-framed glasses. (I love Deepak.)

But there’s also a 50-minute yoga routine with Tara Stiles that is darn good. I’m not sure I’d call it yoga for “weight-loss” because it’s definitely not about the calorie burn nor do the poses or cuing really seem to target that as a goal (unlike this DVD, which isn’t a calorie-burner but does address the mental aspect of losing weight). But balance and feel-goodness? Well, Tara nails that and then some. Her cuing is impeccable—she pretty much talks the full time, but her voice is super relaxing and you just feel safe and loved during it. (See, told you I was hippity-dippity.)

By the end of the session, which is mostly flowing vinyasa yoga with the basic poses (tree, pigeon, down dog, up dog, Warrior sequences), you feel fabulous. Relaxed, centered, balanced, bendy and all of the other good things yoga does for the mind and body. The DVD also has a nice intro and tips on breathing during yoga and how to be more mindful when you eat, which are a nice accompaniment to the yoga and mediation session.

FBG Rating (Out of 5):
Instruction: ★★★★★
Long-Term Likeability: ★★★★
Music: ★★★★
Fun Factor: ★★★
Meets Expectations: ★★
Overall: ★★★★

Fit Bottomed Line: If you have a lot of weight to lose, you’ll need more than this DVD to do it, but if you’re looking to try a beginner or intermediate yoga DVD with a meditation component, you can’t go wrong with this one.

Who wants to try some yoga and meditation? We have a copy of Yoga Transformation: Weight Loss and Balance AND Deepak and Tara’s other DVD Yoga Transformation: Strength and Energy to give away to two random U.S. readers. Just leave us a comment with why you need a little more hippity-dippity in your life, and we’ll pick winners in about a week! —Jenn

FTC disclosure: We often receive products from companies to review. All thoughts and opinions are always entirely our own. Unless otherwise stated, we have received no compensation for our review and the content is purely editorial. Affiliate links may be included. If you purchase something through one of those links we may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support!


  1. Jamie says:

    Lately I have been so stressed out, and yoga would be a great stress reliever. Joining a gym or yoga studio isn’t really possible for me right now, so a DVD would be great!

  2. Thanks for the review- I’m going to have to try this! I love them both 🙂

  3. Angie says:

    I think this will be a perfect addition to my new routine. I recently hired a yoga instructor to do a short beginners series in my backyard. Loved it! On Tuesday night I signed up for an Intro to Chakra Meditation class. I think this DVD will be a perfect combination to add to my routine!! 🙂 Can’t wait to try it and add more hippity dippity into my world!

  4. Stephanie F says:

    I would love to win this prize because I’m so stressed out. Doctors and friends have told me to incorporate yoga into my life but I’ve been intimidated to take yoga classes. The people in the classes are hardcore yogis and I’m lucky to have mastered child’s pose.

  5. AJ says:

    I am fairly new yoga instructor and would love to learn from this DVD!

  6. Shelly says:

    LOVE yoga and this sounds really great! Thanks for the head up!

  7. Erin says:

    I am unemployed right now, and it is very stressful. I’d love to win this. Plus, I love Tara!

  8. Katie says:

    As a wedding photographer near the end of a very busy wedding season, I could definitely use some restorative exercise! And I’ve always wanted to try guided meditation. Tara and Deepak are such a good team!

  9. Jenn C says:

    I need more hippity-dippity in my life! hehhe. I’ve been incorporating heavier weight training in my workout, which I love….but I’m feeling tight and find it’s affecting my flexibility. I love Tara S and Deepak C too!

  10. Ashley S says:

    Would love to try this out!

  11. Jen says:

    Love Tara Stiles! Honestly, I’m usually anti-hippity-dippity, but whenever I give it an honest shot I feel like I gain something from the reflection and quiet.

  12. Mary Beth Duggan says:

    Due to a severe back injury I have been sidelined when it comes to exercising. My pt just gave me the green light to do yoga again so this would be a perfect dvd. Also love Deepak Chopra’s 21 day meditations as well!

  13. Debbie E. says:

    I’m not new to yoga, but still can’t get into daily meditation. I’ve been sampling all different teachers and still haven’t found one yet. I also have no DVDs of Tara’s but love her clips. I almost got her book. I would love to try either DVD and maybe find that Deepak Chopra is that “magic” instructor I’m looking for!

  14. Julie says:

    I’ve been going to boot-camp style classes for the last year or so and I love the intensity and varied workouts. However, I’ve had a lot of pain recently and have been considering switching to all yoga and low impact cardio for a while to get my body back in balance. I’ve also used Deepak Chopra’s meditations to rid myself of migraines (when my docs were prescribing drugs – I hate drugs!). Meditation works!

  15. Andrea L says:

    I like changing up my workout routine so I never get bored, so this would be great for me to try!

  16. Brittany says:

    Yoga and meditating naturally go hand in hand, but in the rush and craziness of LIFE it’s hard to even consider taking the time to meditate on top of working out! This DVD is genius in that it combines the two, and would be an amazing addition to my life!! I make myself commit to some sort of exercise, including yoga, daily. It benefits me in infinite ways, and quite frankly, keeps me sane! Meditating sounds blissful, but calming the mind amidst working full time, getting my MBA, taking care of a new puppy and home seems impossible. If meditation was incorporated into my workout, I’d have to do it, and I know it would feel AMAZING!!!!

  17. Julie says:

    I need more yoga and meditation in my life because I am a teacher with 2 young boys and a husband in nursing school. I am also taking master classes and my life is crazy busy. Meditation is the only thing keeping my head from spinning like I’m a possessed owl!

  18. Melissa says:

    I am completely unable to say no to anyone, so I am currently volunteering for more than I can handle. A little hippity-dippity would go far to help me try to balance things.

  19. Shana S says:

    As a public defender (and yoga teacher, though currently not teaching much), my days are chock full of stress. This is bad for me, because my stress leads to mindless eating, which in turn makes me feel defeated and more apt to miss a yoga class. The hippity dippity/woo woo of yoga brought me onto the path of having a regular practice nearly six years ago; I would give anything to bring back those feelings of comfort and devotion! I’d love to win these DVD’s–please pick me!

  20. michelle says:

    I need more hippity-dippity in my life because my job is super stressful, and I’m putting in a lot of overtime. I have no time for exercise right now, and when life is this tough, I find that yoga and meditation keep me centered and more balanced. They can be done even when I’m super tired. They are like the map that gets me going in the right direction.

  21. amy reedy says:

    I think this DVD would add some calming color to my routine! I have 5 kids and I am just starting to run, and need balance – yoga would give me balance to all this fast pace stuff!


  22. bartra says:

    I’m a fitness instructor and teach alot of classes. I’ve recently felt that there is a component for myself that I’ve been missing, and I think it’s yoga in my own life. I’ve been so busy with everyone else that I’ve not taken time out for me, and I think that these dvd’s are a good start.

  23. Gabby S says:

    I never say no the a chance of having more hippity-dippity!!! Also, I need a change from my current yoga routine.

  24. Jenn says:

    And we have our winners! The lucky gals are:

    Melissa — #18
    Jenn C — #9

    Congrats, ladies! Emailing you now for your mailing addresses. 🙂

    –FBG Jenn

  25. treasa says:

    I just started doing Yoga and I think this would be a great dvd to do at home. Thanks for the chance.

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