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Spice Up Your Life With This Sriracha Stir-Fry

sriracha-stir-fryYes, I wrote that headline so that I could share this GIF. You guys know me so well.

But really. Could your dinner use a little spicing up? Maybe something with a little heat? A little chili? A little sriracha stir-fry, perhaps? I thought so.

How to Make Sriracha Stir-Fry (Spoiler: It’s Ridiculously Easy)

You guys probably already know how to make stir-fry, but here’s a basic refresher:

  • Get a wok or big pan as hot as you can. Add a little oil.
  • Throw in your dense veggies (carrots, onions, celery etc.) and protein of choice.
  • Once they’re mostly cooked, throw in any less dense veggies (broccoli, peas, etc.)  you want in your stir-fry.
  • At this point, I also like to season a bit with some soy sauce or coconut aminos and a tiny drizzle of fish sauce (believe me: a little goes a looong way).
  • Cook until done and then serve over cauliflower rice or brown rice or zucchini noodles.

And then, here’s my latest trick: Top with this Lee Kum Kee Sriracha Stir-Fry Sauce and some crushed peanuts. It’s spicy and sweet and salty and EVERYTHING.
Plus, it’s gluten-free.
And although it has some sugar in it and a lot of sodium, they do not hold back on the spice, so a one-tablespoon serving goes a long way.
If you love sriracha as much as I do, this is one of those products you need to try. The Sriracha Stir-Fry Sauce is just a touch sweeter and more mild than a straight-up sriracha and can serve as a more complete sauce, so topping your fave stir-fry with it easily makes for a quick weeknight dinner. With lots and lots of spice.
So, the only question left is: Why wouldn’t you spice your life up with a little sriracha stir-fry? Inquiring minds want to know. Now I’m off to play some Spice Girls. —Jenn

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