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The 2014 Noshies! Honoring the Best Fit Foodie Finds


2014 Noshies: Other Stuff that Deserves a Noshie But Doesn’t Fit Neatly in a Category

Best way to microwave veggies (and cutest potato sleeping bag): Corn-N-Tater microwave bag. To help overcome the bland, rubbery overcooked microwave issue, the Corn-N-Tater microwave bag was created. It’s all-natural, organic and it is made with a special blend of cotton and bamboo that is naturally antibacterial, odor-free and holds no mold. It’s also free of BPA, and you can quickly cook just about any veggie in it, in addition to (or even alongside) corn-n-taters. —Jenn
Best food festival to stumble upon: Waikiki Spam Jam. There was Spam everywhere. There was Spam everything. Spam pizza. Spam burgers. Spam stir-fry. Spam sundaes. A wave made of Spam. Dogs (multiple dogs) dressed in Spam costumes. People in Spam costumes. Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam! —Kristen
Best new kitchen accessory to be obsessed with: veggie spiralizer. It’s kind of changed my life. Not only is it relatively affordable (around $30 on Amazon), but it’ll easily turn just about any veggie into spirals. Meaning that you not only have pretty veggies (Spirals! Zoodles! Yay!) but also that you can then use said spiraled veggies kind of like you would spaghetti squash … in ANYTHING. —Jenn
Best help in the kitchen if you hate cooking: cooksimple healthy meal kits. I really, really love these cooksimple healthy meal kits. Not only were the results pretty delicious, but the ingredients lists are clean (you’ll recognize all of the ingredients — nothing scary), a decent-sized serving is usually 200 to 500 calories, and they’re only $5 a kit. —Jenn
Coolest way to go green: Bambooee reusable towels. Go ahead and file this in “coolest thing ever.” That’s right, these are reusable bamboo towels. Paper towels that last … and last … and last! Reusable. Washable. Bleachable. Totally earth friendly. Organic. —Jenn
What would you give a Noshie to this year? Let’s hear what you think is the best of the best! —Everyone at FBE!

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