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Something Tastes Fishy: 7 Delicious and Healthy Ways to Cook Fish

7 Healthy Ways to Cook Fish

Good lookin' sushi. Credit: Blue Lotus.

Good lookin’ sushi. Credit: Blue Lotus.

5. Sushi. So you might not think of this as a common way to eat fish—and, yes, there’s technically not always cooking involved, but it’s definitely a healthy option. And it’s generally paired with fresh veggies and rice—not bad, right? Fish is typically served raw for sushi or sashimi, but also know that you can get varieties of sushi that have cooked fish, so keep an eye out for those.
Recipe to try it: You can easily make sushi at home. Here’s one for raw sushi, and one you don’t have to cook—my personal favorite. 

Next: Baked.

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