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Something Tastes Fishy: 7 Delicious and Healthy Ways to Cook Fish

7 Healthy Ways to Cook Fish

Tasty lookin' smoked salmon. Credit: Artizone.

Tasty lookin’ smoked salmon. Credit: Artizone.

7. Smoked. You might not think of smoking fish on a regular basis, but one fish that is excellent smoked is salmon. It is sturdy and holds up well with flavors. It only takes a few hours, so not a huge chunk of time. Use whatever wood you like that gives you the flavors you want. My family smokes salmon nearly every holiday season. It’s quite tasty with a smear of a soft cheese, like cream cheese on a cracker or piece of whole-grain bread. Yum!
Recipe to try it: Alton Brown’s Smoked Salmon.
What’s your favorite healthy way to cook fish? Did you find a new tasty way to get fishy? —Kelsey

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